Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Experiences

I make it a point to get her out in a new place at least 3-4 times a week. Last night we visited by boyfriend in the city and while she's been there multiple times, and even walked in the dark (and rain) before, we built upon that and went for a jog. She is a baby so we didn't go for very long but she ran alongside me like a pro, like we'd actually done that before. It was dark, it was raining, she was leashed to my waist with her gentle leader and she never once had a reaction involving vocalizations. We saw a cat and a bunny move quickly across the street. She chose to sit and watch, never lunged, and was easily called away to continue jogging. After we walked to cool ourselves I gave her some water and put her up for about an hour. When I took her out to feed her, she greeted a friend so appropriately with no management from me I was in awe! She walked up to him casually, nuzzled his hand, and enjoyed some petting. She'd never met him before! Reactions to new people usually involve whining, leaping, and other crazy happy dog behaviors.

She was a GOOD dog last night. A very good dog.


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